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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
12:53 PM


So yeah, i had a blast with my gamelan peeps!!~ Yeh-BO!!~
Had our debut performance for gentarasa, its just a fringe performance not one of the gentarasa performance. To be honest, we were panicking before our performance as we had only around 2 weeks of training and its SHOWTIME!!~ Overall, we did great and just this performance, we bonded well!!!~ Gonna love this team!!~

Here are some pixs.

i cant believe because of a name we can fight. Haiyoo 'arifah!!!~

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
2:22 PM

Im back!!~

There are so many things I would like to share but I have no idea where to start.

Lets start with Inter Varsity Polytechnic (IVP). It was on the 2nd - 10th June 2007 at NUS. This year, we really train hard and our hard work paid off by becoming 1st runner up losing to NYP, the overall champion. It was a tremendous achievement for us – from nothing to something. I would like to highlight some friend of mine whose worth mentioning.
Men Class A, Asmin. He is one of the best fighters we have. He may be small but he kicks asses!! He defeat opponent that are taller than him. He showed me that height isn’t a factor to win. It’s the determination and hard work that spells W-I-N!!~ I guess he was short of luck that he lost in semi final. Nevertheless, he put up a great fight all the way. All in all, he won us a Bronze medal.
Men Class C, Bala Krishna. He is the 1st Indian fighter that I’ve known to participate in Malay martial art. He really has tremendous fortitude to go far. Unfortunately, he came up short with this good fighter. On a bright note, he put up a great match despite knowing that his opponent was a good fighter.
Men Class D, Azhar. He is the best!!!~ He has powerful side and back kicks. Well, only that he is a little emotional during fights but managed to handle it after that. I’m a little envious with him. I think he can just kick anyhow and somehow it hits the target perfectly. I guess that is his special skill he acquires. In the end, with all his skills, he won us a Gold medal!!~ WeeHoo!!~
These are some of our heroes who put up a really good fight against awesome fighters.

As for me, I wasn’t much of a fighter and so I lost my first match. It was a “trashy” moment for me. I fight my best and gave my opponent a hard time during the three rounds. I have no luck or maybe no skill and I lost. Nevertheless, I won silver for artistic duo with Nina. =))

Some pictures of IVP!!~

* the whole team

* just us


*us again

*the seni winners

*more RP winners

*the girls!!~

*random pictures

* of all the pictures, i like this the best. dont ask me why.

Had our besties dinner. We went and had dinner at Changi. They wanted to eat ayam penyet. As usual, if im at Changi, I’ll always think SEAFOOD!!~ I had cockles!!~ YUMMY!!~ Typical of us, we crap a lot and had really lots of time together. Then, there was a topic about relationship. Hah!!~ so unlike them. They were talking about girls and this came up. There were four of us and two are attached and in serious relationship. It actually sets me thinking. *sigh* we continue talking and I had to be back home early as my dad wouldn’t let me go home late. I hope we’ll have dinner again soon. Loving them the most!!~ They are my everything!!~

So yeah, not that long of an entry.

Jah ne!!~
